The Flat Share - Beth O'Leary
I enjoyed this novel more than I care to admit. I was lured in by the cover and plot and even though the writing wasn't fantastic I really wanted to know how Tiffy and Leon would get together. And no that's not a spoiler because from the outset you know this is going to be a predictable novel, yet for some reason I didn't want to stop reading. I was quickly turning the pages late into the night to find out how the characters would eventually meet and the missed opportunities and sub-plot were unexpected.
Did I "love it!" as Marian Keyes assured me? No, but then I save statements like that for Khaled Hosseini who is undoubtedly my literary love. I did however, find the novel engaging despite finding Tiffy to be a little annoying and winy (maybe she reminds me of myself too much?) and it was Leon encouraged me to continue reading. At times I wanted to skip parts of the book where Tiffy was going on a bit but then I would have missed the gems that O'Leary throws in from time to time. The secondary characters were fun and I almost wanted to hear more from them.
All in all an enjoyable read to pass the time this week. Would I read another novel from this author? If I had a free weekend and it was a cheap download on the kindle, then yes. Investing in some real estate on my bookshelf however, probably not. The Flat Share is on my shelf for now but I'm not sure it will be joined by a friend in the near future.
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